Cryogenic Engineering Conference / International Cryogenic Materials Conference Proceedings from CEC/ICMC are collected in Advances in Cryogenic Engineering, Volumes 1 – 63, published at various times by Plenum Press, AIP Press, Springer and IOP. The conference is held biennially (odd years) in North America.
A list of proceedings from 2011 to 2015 is available on the CEC/ICMC website. Direct links to the most recent volumes are provided below. These volumes are completely open access, and you are free to download, copy or distribute to anyone. You are also free to share these links to any and all, and they will have free access to the full set of articles.
Proceedings from the 2015 CEC/ICMC — 2015 Cryogenic Engineering Conference — 2015 International Cryogenic Materials Conference
Proceedings from the 2017 CEC/ICMC — 2017 Cryogenic Engineering Conference — 2017 International Cryogenic Materials Conference
The CEC/ICMC conferences have gone bookless, though attendees through 2015 had the option to purchase a printed copy when registering. A few copies are available through Centennial Conferences. International Cryogenic Engineering Conference and International Cryogenic Materials Conference ICEC/ICMC is held biennially (even years) in Europe or Asia. Proceedings from the 26th ICEC/ICMC (2016) are available in open access from IOP Science. Applied Superconductivity Conference The biennial ASC (even years) is held in North America and focuses on all aspects of applied superconductivity. IEEE Xplore publishes the conference proceedings as the IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity, and provides online, though not open, access to volumes published from 1991 onward. One must be a member to access the papers. Printed copies are available direct from IEEE. Magnet Technology Conference This biennial conference (odd years) is dedicated to all aspects of Magnet Technology, with a significant focus on superconducting magnets. The conference proceedings are published in a special volume of the IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity. The most recent conference website is accessible here. International Cryocooler Conference The biennial ICC (even years) covers all aspects of cryocooler research and applications. Proceedings from past conferences are available on the ICC website, where registration is currently open for ICC20. Space Cryogenics Workshop, a Division of CSA This is a biennial workshop (odd years) dedicated to the use of cryogenics in space exploration and research. Selected papers may be found in the journal Cryogenics. Proceedings from the 2009 Space Cryogenics Workshop, Sidney Yuan, ed., are available in print for purchase from CSA. Superconducting Radiofrequency Workshop This is a biennial conference (odd years) on all aspects of RF superconductivity. The conference proceedings are published on the Joint Accelerator Conferences website.  —Cold Facts is currently published six times a year by the Cryogenic Society of America. Issues starting at Vol. 2, #1, March 1985, are archived as PDFs in CSA’s member section and select back issues are available from CSA for $35. Return to Top —Cryogenics is a monthly refereed journal published by Elsevier Science. It covers all aspects of cryogenic engineering and science. Return to Top —Journal of Low Temperature Physics is a biweekly international medium for the publication of original papers and review articles on fundamental theoretical and experimental research developments in all areas of cryogenics and low temperature physics. Return to Top —Low Temperature Physics is published monthly by the American Institute of Physics (AIP) and reports on experimental and theoretical studies. Return to Top —Journal of Applied Physics is an international journal that reports significant new experimental and theoretical results of applied physics research. It is published by AIP. Return to Top —Journal of the Cryogenics and Superconductivity Society of Japan. Teion Kogaku is published by JCSJ. Return to Top —Physics Today is the flagship publication of the AIP, informing readers about science and its place in the world with authoritative features, news stories, analysis and fresh perspectives on technological advances and ground-breaking research. Return to Top —Journal of Heat Transfer is published monthly by the American Society of Mechanical Engineers, disseminating information of permanent interest in the areas of heat and mass transfer. Contributions may consist of results from fundamental research that apply to thermal energy or mass transfer in all fields of mechanical engineering and related disciplines. Also, archival results of research that focuses on the evaluation of thermophysical properties associated with heat and mass transfer, as well as on the theory of heat and mass transfer, are published. The Journal of Heat Transfer is complementary to the Journal of Thermal Science and Engineering Applications, which focuses on applications. Return to Top —Superconductor Week is a semi-monthly newsletter providing global coverage of the technology and commercialization of low- and high-temperature superconductors and cryogenics for large- and small-scale applications. It offers readers a combination of original reporting, exclusive interviews and expert analysis designed to provide valuable insight and mission-critical information on the industry. Klaus Neumann serves as executive editor. Return to Top —Superconductivity News Forum (SNF, Global Edition) is published quarterly by the European Society for Applied Superconductivity and the IEEE Council on Superconductivity. All issues are accessible on the front page. Return to Top —Low Temperature News is published by the British Cryogenics Council. John Vandore, [email protected], serves as editor. Return to Top —Gasworld serves the international industrial gas industry. Contact Rob Cockerill, global managing editor, [email protected]. Gasworld has acquired both the Specialty Gas Report and Cryogas International, which became part of the Gasworld US edition in 2013. Return to Top  Please note, CSA is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for us to earn fees by linking to Amazon.com and affiliated sites. General Surveys and Handbooks —C.A. Bailey (ed), Advanced Cryogenics, Springer, 1971. —R. Barron, Cryogenic Systems, Oxford University Press, 1985. —J.H. Bell, Cryogenic Engineering, Prentice Hall, 1963. —R.J. Donnelly and A.W. Francis, Cryogenic Science and Technology: Contributions by Leo I. Dana, Union Carbide Corporation, 1985. —T.M. Flynn, Cryogenic Engineering, Second Ed. Revised and Expanded, Dekker, 2004. —T. Frederking and S. Yuan, Cryogenics—Low Temperature Engineering and Applied Sciences, Yutopian Enterprises, 2005. This book is a complex discussion of cryogenic practices. Combining the authors’ professional experience and research, the book reviews basic principles of cryogenic substances and cooling processes, superconducting and other magnets, safety issues of cryogenic systems and future prospects. A portion of the profit from sales of this book goes to the Endowed Fund for Cryogenics Research at UCLA. —B. Hands (ed.), Cryogenic Engineering, Academic Press, 1986. Out of print, no resellers. —G.G. Haselden (ed.), Cryogenic Fundamentals, Academic Press, 1971. —A.R. Jha, Cryogenic Technology and Applications, Elsevier Butterworth-Heinemann, 2006. —R. Kropschot et al., Technology of Liquid Helium, NBS Mongraph, 1968. —P.V.E. McClintock et al., Low Temperature Physics: An Introduction for Scientists and Engineers, Springer, 2012 (reprint of 1992 edition). —R. Scott, Cryogenic Engineering, Met-Chem, 1963. —K. Timmerhaus and T. Flynn, Cryogenic Process Engineering, Springer, 1989. —S.W. Van Sciver, Helium Cryogenics, 2nd Edition, Springer, 2012. Reviewed in Cold Facts Vol. 28, No. 3, Summer 2012, Page 18. —J.G. Weisend II (ed), Handbook of Cryogenic Engineering, Taylor and Francis, 1998. —J.G. Weisend II, He is for Helium: Defining Cryogenics from ADR to Zero Boiloff, Cryogenic Society of America, 2018. This book is a compilation of Weisend’s “Defining Cryogenics” columns from Cold Facts magazine. Return to Top Cryogenic Refrigeration —R.A. Ackermann, Cryogenic Regenerative Heat Exchangers, Springer, 1997. —R. Barron, Cryogenic Systems, Oxford University Press, 1985. —B. Cabrera (ed.) et al., From High-Temperature Superconductivity to Microminiature Refrigeration, Springer, 1996. —T.M. Flynn, Cryogenic Engineering, Second Ed. Revised and Expanded, Dekker, 2004. —R. Scott, Cryogenic Engineering, Met-Chem, 1963. —G. Venkatarathnam, Cryogenic Mixed Refrigerant Processes, Springer, 2008. This book explains mixed refrigerant processes using robust analytical methods based on sound thermodynamic principles, drawing upon many case studies and examples, largely unpublished. The book is a much-needed reference for researchers and scientists whose focus includes cryogenic engineering, natural gas liquefaction, refrigeration systems, and process simulation and optimization. —G. Walker and E.R. Bingham, Low-capacity Cryogenic Refrigeration, Oxford, 1994. —G.Walker, Miniature Refrigerators for Cryogenic Sensors and Cold Electronics, Oxford, 1989. —G. Walker et al., The Stirling Alternative: Power Systems, Refrigerants and Heat Pumps, CRC Press, 1994. Return to Top Cryocoolers —B.Z. Maytal and J. M. Pfotenhauer, Miniature Joule-Thomson Cryocooling: Principles and Practice, Springer, 2013. —A.J. Organ, Stirling and Pulse-tube Cryo-coolers, Wiley, 2005. —G. Walker, Cryocoolers Part I: Fundamentals, Springer, 2013. Reprint of 1983 edition. —G. Walker, Cryocoolers Part 2: Applications, Springer, 2013. Reprint of 1983 edition. —G. Walker and E.R. Bingham, Low-capacity Cryogenic Refrigeration, Oxford, 1994. —G.Walker, Miniature Refrigerators for Cryogenic Sensors and Cold Electronics, Oxford, 1989. Return to Top Cryotherapy —S. Aleksander (ed) et al., Cryotherapy, Alfamedica Press, 2010. Return to Top Design and Design Manuals — R.Barron, Industrial Noise Control and Acoustics, CRC, 2005. This book describes useful procedures in the design of industrial noise abatement systems and equipment to reduce the generation and transmission of noise and to comply with OSHA, EPA and other standards. Cryogenic engineers can apply the information to design for noise reduction from compressors, pumps, fans and other equipment used in gas liquefaction systems. Contains case studies and example problems illustrating the principles discussed in each chapter. —Eden Cryogenics, Cryogenic Design Guide, Contact Eden Cryogenics directly to obtain a copy. Eden’s Design Guide covers a variety of cryogenic equipment, engineering, design and manufacturing methods. It is split into two sections: 1) Cryogenic Systems (Understanding the Basics) and 2) Cryogenic Component Selection. Section 1 defines and discusses cryogenic cooling systems, cryogenic refrigeration and liquefaction systems, cryostats, cryogenic dewars and vessels and vacuum insulated piping. Section 2 provides assistance in the selection of cryogenic components which include cryogenic valves, filters and couplings. —J.G. Weisend II (ed), Cryostat Design: Case Studies, Principles and Engineering, Springer, 2016. —Y. Iwasa, Case Studies in Superconducting Magnets: Design and Operational Issues, Springer, 2009. Reviewed in Cold Facts Vol. 25 No.3, p 35. Return to Top Heat Transfer and Fluid Mechanics —R.A. Ackermann, Cryogenic Regenerative Heat Exchangers, Springer, 1997. —R. Barron and G. Nellis, Cryogenic Heat Transfer, 2nd edition, CRC Press. Reviewed in Cold Facts Vol. 32, No. 3, June 2016 page 36. —T.D. Bostock, R.G. Scurlock, Low Loss Storage and Handling of Cryogenic Liquids: The Application of Cryogenic Fluid Dynamics, 2nd Edition, Springer, 2019. —N.N. Filina and J. G. Weisend II, Cryogenic Two-Phase Flow, Cambridge University Press, 1996. —W. Frost, Heat Transfer at Low Temperatures, Springer, 2013. Reprint of 1975 edition. —R.G. Scurlock, Low Loss Dewars and Tanks: A Basis for Designing Efficient Cryogenic Storage and Handling Systems, Cryogenic Society of America, Inc., 2004. Return to Top History —P.F. Dahl, Superconductivity: Its Historical Roots and Development from Mercury to the Ceramic Oxides, AIP, 1992. —P. Halpern, Collider: The search for the world’s smallest particles, Wiley, 2009. —L. Hoddeson et al., Fermilab: Physics, the Frontier and Megascience, University of Chicago Press, 2008. —K.A.G. Mendelssohn, The Quest For Absolute Zero, 1977. Reprint of 1966 edition. —H. Rogalla and P.H. Kes (eds), 100 Years of Superconductivity, CRC, 2011. —R.G. Scurlock, History and Origins of Cryogenics, Oxford, 1993. —T. Shachtman, Absolute Zero and the Conquest of Cold, Mariner, 1999. —K.D. Timmerhaus and R. Reed (eds), Cryogenic Engineering: Fifty Years of Progress, Springer, 2010. Reprint of 2007 edition. This benchmark reference work chronicles the major developments in the field of cryogenics. Extensive references are provided. The book is written for engineers and scientists working in the cryogenic engineering field, including aerospace engineers, mechanical engineers, materials scientists and engineers, refrigeration engineers, superconductivity researchers and cryobiologists. — S. Traweek, Beamtimes and Lifetimes: The World of High Energy Physics, Harvard, 1992 — A. Wood, Magnetic Venture: The Story of Oxford Instruments, Oxford, 2001. Return to Top Air Separation and Industrial Gases —W.H. Isalski, Separation of Gases, Oxford, 1989. —F.G. Kerry, Industrial Gas Handbook: Gas Separation and Purification, CRC Press, 2007. Return to Top Instrumentation and Controls — J.W. Ekin, Experimental Techniques for Low Temperature Measurements: Cryostat Design, Material Properties and Superconductor Critical-Current Testing, Oxford University Press, 2006. —F. Pavese et al., Modern Gas-Based Temperature and Pressure Measurements, Springer, 2013. (kindle version) Return to Top Laboratory Techniques & Measurements —J.W. Ekin, Experimental Techniques for Low Temperature Measurements: Cryostat Design, Material Properties and Superconductor Critical-Current Testing, Oxford University Press, 2006. —R.H. Kropschot et al., Technology of Liquid Helium, NBS, 1968. —J. Lindemuth, Hall Effect Measurement Handbook, Lake Shore Cryotronics, 2020. —O.V. Lounasmaa, Experimental Principles and Methods Below 1 K, Academic Press, 1974. —A.C. Rose-Innes, Low Temperature Laboratory Techniques. The Use of Liquid Helium in the Laboratory, 2nd edition, English Universities Press, 1973. —R.B. Scott et al. (eds), Technology and Uses of Liquid Hydrogen, Pergamon Press, 1964. —G. White, Experimental Techniques in Low Temperature Physics, 4th edition, Oxford, 2002. Return to Top Liquefied Natural Gas —D. Mann (ed.), LNG Materials and Fluids: A User’s Manual of Property Data in Graphic Format, NIST, 1977. Out of print. —S. Mokhatab et al., Handbook of Liquefied Natural Gas, Elsevier, 2013. —R.G. Scurlock, Stratification, Rollover and Handling of LNG, LPG and Other Cryogenic Liquids, 2016. Reviewed in Cold Facts Vol. 32 No.2, April 2016, page 39. Return to Top Materials —Y. Bar-Cohen (ed), Low Temperature Materials and Mechanisms, CRC Press, 2016. —T.H.K. Barron and G.K. White, Heat Capacity and Thermal Expansion at Low Temperatures, Springer, 2012. Reprint of 1999 edition. —E. W. Collings, Applied Superconductivity, Metallurgy, and Physics of Titanium Alloys, Springer, 2011. Reprint of 1986 edition. —G. Hartwig and D. Evans (eds), Nonmetallic Materials and Composites at Low Temperatures 2, Springer, 2011. Reprint of 1982 edition. —G. Hartwig and D. Evans (eds), Nonmetallic Materials and Composites at Low Temperatures 3, Springer, 2011. Reprint of 1986 edition. —G. Hartwig, Polymer Properties at Room and Cryogenic Temperatures, Springer, 2010. Reprint of 1995 edition. —V. Kovachev, Energy Dissipation in Superconducting Materials, Oxford, 1991. —R.P. Reed (ed), Cryogenic Materials Data Handbook, Office of Technical Services, 1962. Another Version —R.P. Reed and A.F. Clark, (eds), Materials at Low Temperatures, American Society for Metals, 1983.This work presents chapters by NBS materials specialists on physical and mechanical properties, superconductors, composites, instrumentation, martensitic transformations, structural alloys, and compatibility with cryogens. —H.M. Rosenburg, Low Temperature Solid State Physics, Clarendon Press, 1965. —F.R. Schwartzberg et al, Cryogenic Materials Data Handbook, Air Force Materials Laboratory, AFML-TDR-64-280, 1970. —G. Ventura and M. Perfetti, Thermal Properties of Solids at Room and Cryogenic Temperatures, Springer, 2014. —D. Wigley, Mechanical Properties of Materials at Low Temperatures, Springer, 1971. —J.G. Weisend II et al., A Reference Guide for Cryogenic Properties of Materials, SLAC-TN-03-023, SLAC, 2003. Return to Top Properties of Cryogenic Fluids —P. Cook and B.A. Hands, Cryogenic Fluids Databook, British Cryoengineering Society, 2002. —R.T. Jacobsen et al., Thermodynamic Properties of Cryogenic Fluids, Springer, 2013. Reprint of 1997 edition. —J. Leachman et al., Thermodynamic Properties of Cryogenic Fluids, 2nd edition, Springer, 2017. Reviewed in Cold Facts Vol. 34 No.1, February 2018, page 41. Return to Top Safety —British Cryogenics Council, Cryogenic Safety Manual: A Guide to Good Practices, Butterworth-Heinemann, 2014. —Compressed Gas Association, Oxygen Deficient Atmospheres, Bulletin CGA, SB-2, Compressed Gas Association, 2014. —F.J. Edeskuty and M. Daugherty, “Safety,” in The Handbook of Cryogenic Engineering, J.G. Weisend II (ed), CRC, 1998. —Thomas J. Peterson, J. G. Weisend II, Cryogenic Safety: A Guide to Best Practice in the Lab and Workplace, Springer, 2019 Reviewed in Cold Facts Vol. 35 No.4, p 40. —W. Stewart and F. Edeskuty, Safety in the Handling of Cryogenic Fluids, Springer, 2013. Reprint of 1996 edition. —M.G, Zabetakis, Safety with Cryogenic Fluids, Springer, 2013. Reprint of 1967 edition. Return to Top Superconductivity, Superconducting Magnets and Superconducting RF —B. Cabrera (ed.) et al., From High-Temperature Superconductivity to Microminiature Refrigeration, Springer, 1996. —E.W. Collings, Applied Superconductivity, Metallurgy, and Physics of Titanium Alloys: Volume 1: Fundamentals, Springer, 2011. Reprint of 1986 edition. —E.W. Collings, Applied Superconductivity, Metallurgy, and Physics of Titanium Alloys: Volume 2: Applications, Springer, 1986. —Y. Iwasa, Case Studies in Superconducting Magnets: Design and Operational Issues, 2nd edition, Springer, 2009. Reviewed in Cold Facts Vol. 25 No.3, p 35. —V. Kovachev, Energy Dissipation in Superconducting Materials, Oxford, 1991. —P. Lee (ed), Engineering Superconductivity, Wiley, 2001. —B.E. Mulhall, Magnetic Levitation for Rail Transport, Oxford, 1981. —H. Padamsee et al., RF Superconductivity for Accelerators, Wiley, 2008. —H. Padamsee, RF Superconductivity Vol. 2: Science, Technology and Applications, Wiley, 2009. —C. Rey (ed), Superconductors in the Power Grid: Materials and Applications, Woodhead, 2015. —A.C. Rose-Innes and E.H. Rhoderick, Introduction to Superconductivity, 2nd edition, Pergamon, 2015. —Bernd Seeber (ed.), Handbook of Applied Superconductivity Volume 2, CRC, 1998. —Thomas P. Sheahen, Introduction to High-Temperature Superconductivity, Springer, 1994. —M.N. Wilson, Superconducting Magnets, Oxford, 1987. Return to Top Vacuum Systems —R.A. Haefer, Cryopumping Theory and Practice, Oxford 1989. —J.F. O’Hanlon, A User’s Guide to Vacuum Technology, 3rd edition, Wiley, 2003. —Pfeiffer Vacuum, The Vacuum Technology Book, Pfeiffer Vacuum. —M.Wutz et al., Theory & Practice of Vacuum Technology, Vieweg, 1989. Return to Top  —R.J. Anderson, History of Physicists in Industry: Final Report, AIP Center for History of Physics, 2008. —APS, Accelerators and Beams: Tools of Discovery and Innovation, 4th Edition, Division of Physics of Beams, American Physical Society. —DOE, Accelerators for America’s Future Download the complete Accelerators for America’s Future report or request a printed copy at www.acceleratorsamerica.org/ —DOE, symmetry magazine, symmetry is an online magazine about particle physics and its connections to other aspects of life and science, from interdisciplinary collaborations to policy to culture. A joint publication of Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory and SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory, symmetry receives funding through the US Department of Energy. —K. Drury, Best Practices and Policies for Handling and Monitoring Liquid Nitrogen Containers Containing Human Reproductive Specimens., Eggschain, Inc. 2019. —IEEE, Superconductivity: Present and Future Applications, Coalition for the Commercial Application of Superconductors, 2014. —L. Johnson and S. Baldyga, Frozen, A True Story: My journey into the World of Cryonics, Deception and Death, Vanguard Press, 2009. —C. Patrignani et al., The Review of Particle Physics, Particle Data Group, 2017. Published every two years. Return to Top 
—Cryogenic Society of America —CSA Space Cryogenics Workshop —CSA Cryogenic Treatment Database —NIST Cryogenic Technology Resources —The Cryogenics Society of Europe —The British Cryogenics Council —The Cryogenics and Superconductivity Society of Japan —IEEE Council on Superconductivity —The Compressed Gas Association —The Refrigeration and Cryogenics Association of Romania —The Society for Cryobiology —The Indian Cryogenics Council —The International Society of Cryosurgery Return to Top 
—CSA Cold Facts Buyer’s Guide —Physics Today Buyers Guide —North America Buyers Guide—Gasworld Return to Top