Foundations of Cryocoolers Short Course
Monday, June 3, 2024 University of Wisconsin Madison, WI (in conjunction with ICC23)
Instructors: Ray Radebaugh & Fons de Waele
 Take advantage of this excellent opportunity! Dr. Ray Radebaugh, consultant emeritus, NIST Boulder, is a world-renowned expert in the field of cryogenics known to many as “Mr. Cryocooler.” Instructing with him will be Dr. Alphons De Waele, professor Emeritus at Eindhoven University of Technology.
Cryogenic temperatures provide many useful benefits in such fields as medical, space exploration, military, security, transportation, fundamental science, energy, manufacturing, and many others. The course begins with a discussion of many cryocooler applications, followed by a study of thermodynamic and heat transfer fundamentals, which are then used to explain how various types of gas-cycle cryocoolers achieve temperatures from about 2 K to 150 K. The operating principles and advantages/disadvantages of the three major recuperative cycles (Joule-Thomson, Brayton, and Claude) and the three major regenerative cycles (Stirling, Gifford-McMahon, and pulse tube) will be explained. The course covers modeling, design approaches, fabrication techniques, measurement methods, and cycle comparisons. This year’s special topic of dilution refrigeration for millikelvin temperatures will be treated by Fons de Waele. After a general introduction he will pay extra attention to dilution refrigerators that are precooled by pulse-tube refrigerators, the so-called dry dilution refrigerators.
Registration Rates
Earlybird Rates (through May 2) |
Regular Rates (After May 2) |
CSA Member |
$360 |
$385 |
Non-Member |
$420 |
$445 |
CSA Student Member |
$235 |
$235 |
Student Non-Member |
$260 |
$260 |