Robert W. Vance Award Criteria and Nomination Procedure

The Robert W. Vance Award was established to honor persons for their dedication and long-term commitment to the advancement of CSA. It is the first award ever given by the society.

The Awards Committee reviews nominees from the membership and makes recommendations to the CSA Board of Directors, which makes the final selections. A majority vote of the committee shall be required for recommendation to the CSA Board.

Award recipients receive a certificate, plaque and a monetary gift of $500 and are usually honored at the CEC following election of the nominee.

Selection Criteria

  • Nominees should be members of the cryogenics community who have been active in the field.
  • The nominee must currently be a CSA member in good standing with continuous membership for the previous three years.

Nomination Procedure

  • Nomination packages must be received by the CSA executive director no later than March 28, 2025.
  • The package must contain:
    • Three letters of recommendation, preferably written by CSA members, with two originating from people outside of the awardee’s home institution. The persons writing the letters must have personal knowledge of the nominee’s qualifications and experience. The letters should:
      • briefly outline the nominee’s qualifications,
      • explain why the Vance Award should be conferred, and
      • must attest to the nominee’s professional integrity and character.

      The requirement for submission of letters of recommendation may be waived by unanimous decision of the Awards Committee, in instances where the nominee is extremely well known in the community.

  • Submit all nomination packages to CSA for forwarding to the Nominating Committee chairman, Dr. Christopher Rey.

    Megan Galeher
    CSA Executive Director
    800 Roosevelt Rd. Suite 312-C
    Glen Ellyn, IL 60137

    [email protected]